We invite the members and friends of the Association to contribute as much as they can, regarding the appeal to the Council of State.
A last effort is being made to stop the spread of wind farms throughout Kafireas region. If possible, please make a deposit in the Association's account to cover the cost of the appeal.
Let us try to stop the injustice against our country.
The Board of the Association works daily to collect data for the convenience of our lawyer. All we ask is that you help financially.
Let's do a good fight.
Chairman of the Association
Chrisoula Bereti
Association Bank Account
Εθνική Τράπεζα (National Bank)
Αρ. λογ. (Account no.): 371/001794-90
Δικαιούχος (Beneficiary): Σύλλογος Προστασίας του Περιβάλλοντος Νότιας Καρυστίας (Society for the Protection of the Environment of South Karystia)
ΙBAN: GR6901103710000037100179490