Wind turbines in Styra, S. Evia - Photorealistic images
The 33 wind turbines that have been licensed around Styra (S. Evia) will be the largest to date: 5MW each, 180m. height, 145 m wingspan.
The photorealistic rendering done by the local Associations gives a good idea of how the wind turbines will dominate and disrupt the landscape plus the other problems that noise, excavation, road building and power transmission will create.
Summary presentation of the project based on the data of the study (in Greek).
Below are photorealistic renderings of sites after the wind turbines have been installed:
Wind-turbine locations in Styra-S.Evia area
Saint George, now
Saint George, after
Nimporio, now
Nimporio, after
Pyrgari, view from sea, now
Pyrgari, view from sea, after
Pyrgari, view from the port, now
Pyrgari, view from the port, after
Pyrgari, view from Styra, now
Pyrgari, view from Styra, after
Mavromihali monument, now
Mavromihali monument, after
Diliso, residences, now
Diliso, residences, after
Diliso, view from Styra, now
Diliso, view from Styra, after