Update on the latest developments

With the recent decision 159-165/2024, the Council of State rejected the appeals of the Associations and Municipalities of Evia for the cancellation of the wind turbines of the Ellactor company in Central Evia (51 wind turbines) and Styra - Niborio (32 wind turbines). It is the second time that the Council of State does not justify the residents of Evia who are trying to protect the environment and their lives by legal means from the over-concentration of wind turbine in the mountains and now near the settlements. Recently, the Supreme Court also rejected the appeal of a resident of Petries who has installed a wind turbine at 330m. from his house.

The situation is getting worse as battery stations are planned, which pose serious risks of fire and pollution with toxic waste and gases. The recent wind turbine fire showed yet another danger that is literally hanging over our heads. (See the mess : https://photos.app.goo.gl/FdamW5h2fANGMGPj9 )

Τώρα λοιπόν που σβήνει η ελπίδα να εμποδιστεί η εγκατάσταση περισσότερων α/γ μέσω της Δικαιοσύνης και οι α/γ πλησιάζουν την αυλή μας,  τι άλλο μένει να κάνουμε εμείς οι κάτοικοι της Εύβοιας; Θα αφήσουμε να γεμίσουν τον τόπο μας με ακόμη  περισσότερα βιομηχανικά τέρατα και σκουπίδια και να κάνουν τη ζωή μας κόλαση; Θα αντιδράσουμε αυτή την ύστατη στιγμή ως τοπικές κοινωνίες με τους Δήμους μπροστάρηδες ή θα τους αφήσουμε να χαλάσουν εντελώς τον τόπο και να καταστρέψουν ό,τι έχει μείνει όρθιο; Πάντως μην περιμένουμε να πλακώσουν οι μπουλντόζες για να αντιδράσουμε. Ο χρόνος λιγοστεύει και οι δυνάμεις που πάνε να αποτελειώσουν τον τόπο μας δουλεύουν ασταμάτητα.

So now that the hope to prevent the installation of more wind turbines, through Justice, is fading and the wind turbines are approaching our yard, what else is left for us residents of Evia to do? Are we going to let them fill our place with even more industrial monsters and garbage and make our lives hell? Will we react at this last moment as local communities with the Councils leading the way or will we let them completely spoil the place and destroy what is left standing? However, let's not wait for the bulldozers to take action.

Time is running out and the forces that are going to destroy our country are working non-stop.

Society for the Protection of the Environment of South Karystia Board of Directors


