Environmental-Protection-Association-of-Southern-Karystia General Meeting Sunday August 18th, Galaxy Hotel 11:30 am


The Environmental Protection Association of Southern Karystia (S.P.PE.NK) invites its members to the annual General Assembly that will take place on 11/8/2024 at Galaxias Hotel at 11:30 am. In order to avoid the possible lack of quorum, the Assembly will take place definitively on Sunday 18/8//2024 at Galaxias Hotel at 11:30 am

Program of the General Assembly:

Update on the latest developments

With the recent decision 159-165/2024, the Council of State rejected the appeals of the Associations and Municipalities of Evia for the cancellation of the wind turbines of the Ellactor company in Central Evia (51 wind turbines) and Styra - Niborio (32 wind turbines). It is the second time that the Council of State does not justify the residents of Evia who are trying to protect the environment and their lives by legal means from the over-concentration of wind turbine in the mountains and now near the settlements.

Press Release of the Coordinating Committee of Agencies for the Karystos Hospital



Against the downgrading of the Karystos Hospital

With a large participation of the people of the municipality of Karystos, who filled the hall of the Yokaleion Foundation, the meeting-gathering against the degradation of the Karystos Hospital took place on Sunday, November 12.




On behalf of the Karystos Beekeeping Association "Dimitris Rigas 2004", we express our deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of the three victims of the fire that broke out on 7/23/2023 in Platanistos.

We also express our strong protest against the absence of a fire protection plan and above all prevention, in our place, which in every fire leads to the known disastrous results.

Karystos wetland


To the west of the town of Karystos is a complex of small wetlands defined by two streams with water all year round the Karkalas and Rigia and two artificial lakes of great ecological importance created by earlier clay extraction in the area.

The wetland of Karystos flatland is a landscape of incredible beauty that supplies water to the plain of Karystos, improves the climate and limits flooding in times of heavy rainfall.
We have a duty to preserve and protect this wetland.

Project of the DMX company - Removal of 9 wind turbines within Natura - Removal of the entire wind farm in the DISTRATA position


A BIG WIN ✌️✌️✌️
A great victory of all those who struggle in Southern Karystia against inactivity and despair.
We achieved with great struggle the removal of the entire wind farm at the DISTRATA position, 3 wind turbines at the PLATANOS position and one wind turbine at the LIAPOURTHI position.
With optimism, we are proceeding with the abolition of all the DMX projects that concerns wind farms in the locations of RIZA, TRIKORFO, PLATANOS, LIAPOURTHI, AGIOS APOSTOLI and AGIOS TAXIARCHES of the Municipality of Karystos.

What does wind turbine noise and photoshading mean?


We are sharing two videos taken by a resident of Petria (TN: S. Evia island) where the air conditioners are located close to houses.

https://youtu.be/Xl7QZklE5jQ : About the noise
https://youtu.be/oIJ6HNACFIM : About the stroboscopic effect.

As wind turbine installations multiply in South Evia and even come close to houses, it is certain that all settlements will have the same problem as Petries.

Updated wind-power-stations, Febr. 2023


We share the total wind-power-station permits in the Municipality of Karystos according to the latest data from RAE. The general trend is an increase in wind turbines:

From 429 wind turbines in operation in Jan. 2023 we have 435 wind turbines in Feb. 2023.
Production licenses have also increased, we assume because some evaluation licenses have been converted to production licenses. However, installation permits have been slightly reduced. The general total remains approximately the same: 800 wind turbines.

Protest rally in 25th of January - Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy


Poster translated text:  

The Karystos Municipality and the South Karystia Associations

On Wednesday 25th January 2023

In 11:30 am

Outside the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy

Mesogion avenue 119

Busses will depart at 8.15 am from Karystos square. For bus booking: Karystos Municipality 2224025001  V. Antoniadis