Environmental-Protection-Association-of-Southern-Karystia General Meeting Sunday August 18th, Galaxy Hotel 11:30 am


The Environmental Protection Association of Southern Karystia (S.P.PE.NK) invites its members to the annual General Assembly that will take place on 11/8/2024 at Galaxias Hotel at 11:30 am. In order to avoid the possible lack of quorum, the Assembly will take place definitively on Sunday 18/8//2024 at Galaxias Hotel at 11:30 am

Program of the General Assembly:

  • Developments in the Association's topics of interest and actions in the period 2023 - 2024
  • Financial report.
  • Discussion with members: opinions and proposals.
  • Subscriptions 2024


                                     Board of directors

Chairwoman                                                               Secretary

Chr. Mpereti                                                                 Th. Mpiniaris

